Edmund Wild is a seventy year old Yorkshireman living on the east coast. He trained as a generalist with a local dentist before going on to a general practitioner training scheme in hospital, and following it up with the necessary MFGDP (UK), MFDS RCS Eng., entering specialist practice and taking further examinations along the way, collecting enough letters after his name to fill a Scrabble Board. Now a retired consultant orthodontist, he enjoys swimming, sketching, listening to music and going on cruises when he can find the time: he claims to be busier now than when he was working.
His experiences dowsing in Thornborough led him to write Black Ley Lines. This led to Black Sea Ley Lines, and another Ley Line book, set in Malta, is in progress.He has written other novels including Medusa's Revenge set in Cyprus, and The Sign of the Foot set in first century Jerusalem.